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Girl Smiling

Addressing the alignment of your teeth can not only help the appearance of your smile, but it also improves your oral health. Children, teenagers, and adults can be discouraged by traditional metal braces. Invisalign is a great alternative to traditional braces. Invisalign aligners gradually reposition the teeth over the course of your treatment. Invisalign helps patients perform daily oral hygiene routines without restriction eating, drinking, or speaking.

Many people believe that Invisalign is only effective at treating minor orthodontic issues, but in fact, our 96% patient satisfaction rate is a result of successfully treating a broad range of cases, from overly crowded teeth and underbites to jaw problems and tooth misalignment.

We offer many payment options to meet the needs of our patients in the Washington, DC area, including Invisalign in Washington, D.C., Rosslyn, Bethesda, and Arlington area. We offer Invisalign to patients of all ages, from young children to older adults, men and women, women and men, adults and children, and adults.

If you want to ask questions and find out if you are a candidate for Invisalign, make an appointment today. Your dentist will perform an initial examination to determine the degree of disability you require and answer all your invalid questions.

At Georgetown Smile, we strive to make everyone who comes to our office as happy as possible with the best possible results. With our high-quality dental care and advanced dental training, we help you maintain healthy teeth and a healthy mouth. If you are considering Invisalign, have a look at the before-and-after pictures in our Smile Gallery. Some universities and dental schools offer discounts.

To schedule your appointment book online or call our office at 202-333-0003 Georgetown Smile accepts patients from Washington DC, Arlington county, and Montgomery county.